Her Story
Elise whilst living at the Lucas Project overcame many hurdles after the devastating loss of both her parents who died within 18 months of each…
What just happened?
For the record it’s 6.15am Sunday 14th July 2024. I have a blister on my toe and my right hip feels like it’s been kicked by a horse.
Yesterday was B-Fest.
What’s the B for? Backup. Bolton. BLOODY BRILLIANT.
An all day live music event with tribute bands for everyone and anyone to enjoy. A mix of musical genres and entertainment which went down a storm. At Backup North West we have a great reputation for putting on great events, successful charity fundraisers and for some time we’ve been trying to find our signature event. Something that’s just ours where we aren’t competing with other charity partners and I think we might have just found it.
I can take no credit for the delivery (I’ll come back to that) but it was my idea. I really wanted to put on an event that DID NOT feel like a charity event but felt like an amazing, enjoyable, memorable and great value for money experience. The bonus being all the profits would be for Backup, money to assist young people experiencing housing crisis and at massive risk. We nailed it.
The whole thing was organized by Laura Pendlebury, Director of Income and Partnerships. She has been a human dynamo from start to end. We sold just over 400 tickets (we could have sold up to 1000) so wanted more. BUT I kept reminding Laura, this is the first event. Let’s make it amazing for those who are there and she did. Regardless of sales and profits it is still the largest event in terms of numbers and turnover Backup has ever delivered.
Oh coulda, woulda, shoulda. Jog on. I’m fine with reflection and learning but these things weren’t by accident. They were intentional and by design.
The Sponsors we had were quality. We will always remember your faith in this event. Backup are in the business of people and partnerships not profits.
The line up was first class....
11 hours of music and dancing undeterred by the clouds and the tiny bits of rain that appeared.
The event also saw face painting, pizza, Carrs pasties (of course) and a games area for the kids. This in particular brought great feedback. Families told us that at many events activities for children are additional cost which can be stressful but we offered a safe space with giant jenga, connect 4, football and tennis for kids to play all day and they did.
What I personally found wholesome was the presence and support of 2 other charities. Andys man Club had a stall there and were available all day to promote their services about supporting mens mental health. Plus Emmaus. The team from Emmaus helped us to set up and clear down the site offering time and friendship to Backup. Life is never all about Backup at Backup. We are part of a rich and diverse third sector in Bolton.
I was the safeguarding lead. I am happy to report that except for 1 very briefly “lost child” and a couple of inebriated fellas I spent the day talking to people about Backup and making friends. I also had the pleasure of being crowned the ‘Queen of Pasties’.
Carrs Pasties need a special mention as they were there all day selling food and drink. At the end they had some left which for health and safety reasons cannot be reused so they offered them to us to use at the Charity. But, it was late at night and with limited resources we couldn’t deliver or freeze them. I asked if I could go through the crowds and give them out. They said yes. Over 45 minutes I was able to approach almost everyone there, ask if they were ok, feed them and check their wellbeing. I approached those who looked/sounded the most drunk and thought pasties might help us to exit the site easier and reduce the amount of hangovers for our guests! I was safeguarding lead afterall.
One happily drunk lady said, “oh I was just thinking I wanted to eat something but didn’t know what to do. I am quite drunk and it’s been such a wonderful day. Then, you appeared, you are like the Queen of Pasties to just make sure I am ok. I love you!” I’ll take that.
The feedback from people on the day was overwhelmingly positive. One lady told me she struggled to find somewhere to go like this that was safe for her teenage daughters. They had all loved it. A hen party was one of the first groups to arrive and they were the last to leave. They were no trouble at all and neither was their blow up man who I regularly saw dancing in front of the stage.
Another special mention has to be Bolton legend Henry Lisowski. He is a superb voluntary photographer. His skills are amazing but his desire to support every good thing happening in Bolton and his eye to capture real depth and feeling in images is unlimited. Such a lovely man too.
Our thank you list is massive. See below. This event has taken an army of people to make it happen. 100’s of volunteer hours. Businesses doing reduced rates and pro bono work. Was it perfect? No. Very nearly though.
The ice cream van got stuck in the mud. 30 odd partygoers trying to push it out was quite a sight to behold. AND I couldn’t get a brew for love nor money, didn’t book anyone selling a cup of tea! What an oversight.
If you were there, tell everyone because we are doing this again next year. B-Fest is a thing. Laura, our event champion, maker of magic and pied piper of profits will be the captain of a bigger army next year and many more years to come. I hope! She need a rest this week though.
Elvis has, for now, definitely left the building. And for me I can’t help but think of Shakira who told us the hips don’t lie. Mine are killing me so I’m away back to bed.
Massive thank you!
We could not have done this without the partnership support of
Thanks also to the sponsors.
Many volunteers before and on the day provided over 200 hours of work between them.
St Johns Ambulance.
Emmaus Bolton.
Andys Man Club.
Plus numerous stall holders, caterers and contractors.
Behind the scenes and behind the stage we had the super talented Dawn Price managing the entertainment and stage. She worked for hours making sure the line up was flawless, on time and safe.
- Maura Jackson, CEO
BACKUP provide multiple services across Bolton to young people aged 16-25 years who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. Read here about all the supported accommodation which includes emergency housing, temporary accommodation, short and medium stay supported housing. Also the non accommodation based support work that focusses on mental health, employment support and much more.
Young people can live in more than one Backup service as they make progress and develop more independence prior to moving on completely. The different services are designed to meet various levels and ranges of needs.