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“I was in the care system for the majority of my life, due to neglect, child abuse and emotional abuse through my childhood. I got moved from pillar to post from home to home, and this made me feel isolated and unloved with no family. This had a negative effect of my upbringing which also affected my education and relationships with my brother and sister. The worst part of living in care was the impact it had on the relationship with my own mother. I haven’t physically seen my mother for 7 years and only have contact by text only on special occasions.

One of my worst experiences of living alone was at the age of 17 I started employment at a restaurant and the first year was good as I felt like I had a family and fitted in. I found myself self being abused emotionally and taken advantage of by so called friends and when I turned 19 I became homeless but luckily the restaurant owners put me up in their staff house which was a nightmare. The accommodation had damp all over the walls, bed bugs and cockroaches and a filthy cooker unsuitable and unhygienic to use.

Eventually I moved out and into my own private rented flat. My social worker was worried about me living in this flat as it was not a great area and decided to help me and referred me to BYPHS. I remember the initial interview and that I felt that I did not require the support and that someone else would benefit from having this support. However, after further discussion with my social worker, I reluctantly decided to take up the offer, and moved in to BYPHS accommodation on 15th February 2017, and this was the turning point of my life.

After I had settled in and met my support workers it felt like I had made the right decision. My support worker went above and beyond their job role to give me emotional support that I so desperately needed, and helped me get back into employment. Firstly, I was helped to claim the correct benefits JSA, then later my support worker introduced me to the Princes Trust. This then enabled me to gain the confidence and skills to apply for my current job as a PCSO. I am now living in my own flat (off the scheme) and feel I am in a much better place in my life, due to having the determination to succeed and BYPHS continued support. They are committed to improving the lives of the young people they support as I feel I am now able to move on with my life and a career.


2021 – John has been a GMP Police Officer for 2 years now.